My Benefit Advisor’s comprehensive suite of resources and assistance from our experts, helps ensure you are up-to-date with the latest in benefits and insurance compliance.

Questions? Want to Know More? Contact Us


Ask the Experts

Each month, we gather the most frequently asked questions to our team, record the answers, and distribute it to our clients.

Listen to a Recent Episode:

Special Edition

We release additional podcasts throughout the year that include interviews with experts, new product introductions, breaking legislative announcements, and more.


Answers at your fingertips

HR Support Resources


Our clients receive access to comprehensive support, including live phone support, training courses, a library of compliance and risk management materials, an employee handbook builder, state law comparison tools, as well as compliance and HR apps.

HR Apps

Job Description Builder

HR Self-Assessment Tool

Interview Question Builder

Professional Employee Organizations

Performance Review Builder

Sample Job Descriptions

Compliance Apps

ACA Reporting

Federal Poster Advisor

FMLA Advisor

State Law Comparison Tool

And Much More


Guidance & Assistance

Our experts have an in-depth understanding of the insurance market, including compliance regulations and strategies for long-term cost containment. We can help you understand your options to make an informed decision and guide you through the implementation process.

Knowledge Center

Clients have access to the secure section of our website that, in addition to our podcasts, contains a library of

Compliance Bulletins

Simplifies complex health care reform information into an easy-to-understand document

White Papers

In depth analysis to provide education regarding a specific topic

Case Studies

Recent examples of our team and solutions in action to help our clients succeed


Annual Notices

All employers who offer benefits to their employees are also required by law to provide certain annual notices. My Benefit Advisor clients can receive these notices combined into one PDF document at no additional cost. This helps you meet health care reform requirements and can be generated with your company logo and colors by providing only basic information.

Notices Available

CHIP Notice

Notice of Privacy Protected Health Information

Prescription Drug Coverage

Women’s Health & Cancer Rights

And More

Consult Our Advisors

For more information or if you have any questions about our compliance offerings, contact one of our experts today.

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